
One 73-year-old’s search for the truth: 9/11, election fraud, illegal wars, Wall Street criminality, a stolen nuke, the swine-flu scam, control of the U.S. government by global corporations, the unjustified assault on Social Security, media complicity, and the “Great Recession” about to become the second Great Depression. “The most important truths are hidden from us by the powerful few who strive to steal the American dream by keeping We the People in the dark.”


On behalf of a working class.
Other parties: Peace and Freedom, American Independent, Progressive Democrats – www.pdamerica.org


Our mission is to achieve a new and truly independent investigation of the 9/11 terrorist attacks through international partnership.

We believe there is sufficient doubt about the official story to justify re-opening the 9/11 investigation. The new investigation must include a full public inquiry into the possible use of explosives that might have been the actual cause of destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7.

We will use the laws of Canada and existing government resources to create and manage our investigation.

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is Our Technical Partner

The Petition


See the petition accepted by the Clerk of the Parliament here

Check out this website I found at saunalahti.fi

I think we need to realize and recognize that conventional controlled demolition only – as hard evidenced by nanothermite high tech explosive found in dust of WTC – CANNOT by itself account for and explain phenomena observed at WTC site.
Namely, complete mass dustification and pulverization of huge whole buildings

We need to move to recognize the unconventional controlled demolition, the one helped by nuclear devices going off, and by EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse directed energy weapons.

Nuclear Controlled Demoliton.
Nuclear EMP Controlled Demolition.

How does that sound to you?


and others


Important video, stressing the monstrous consequences and facts of 911 nuclear controlled demolition and ongoing cover-up thereof.


fb discussion
hard facts. we need to go by that… 1). nanothermite was found. ok. who manufactures it? ….. 2). 3 buildings fell definitely in a controlled demolition manner, probably also with nuclear charges. ….. that’s all we have. …. and a lot of other strong but circumstantial evidence. ………………. its premature at this time to talk about conclusive evidence implicating any foreign country. in my view.

www.bollyn.com – Israel involvement

Manny Badillo: What if everyone agreed to call-in to a talk-radio show every week, what if the scientific evidence was hand-delivered to the commission, the local educational facilities, at City events. What if we all tried to do this in every City in the country?
Wednesday at 1:21am · Like

Manny Badillo: What if we identified the municipalities that offered direct legislative initiatives that allow for a vote on the considerations in each county, in each state? What if we identified the municipalities that allow a citizens initiative to be placed directly on the ballot for people to vote on?
Wednesday at 1:21am · Like

Manny Badillo: Anything is possible when we put our heart into it, especially if there is apparent need. Why can’t We be the media, and act as the press, in the public arena, to inform the common citizen about all the facts?

John Edward Kendrick: To our detriment, many leaders in the 911 truth movement are really misleaders. Ample evidence exists to convene grand juries and issue indictments. Aid to Israel should cease immediately–and the USA citizens demand reparations from Israel.

Keenan Roberts: I would say that the largest of the 9/11 truth groups – the Northern California Truth Alliance – was targeted for infiltration very early on. That group has been infiltrated by Jim Hoffman and his crew of disinformation agents from 2003-2004.

key 9/11 truth sites, such as 911Blogger and, TruthAction.org, and 911TruthNews …… http://www.krunchd.com/911http://www.krunchd.com/911truth

Dr Judy, she has more than 1 science title, wrote many papers, which most of us would not understand at all. She SUED fed gov for 911 science fraud. …. Well what have you done?? Maybe you should be much more appreciative of her, and her work on behalf of 911Truth.
www.drjudywood.com .. www.ae911truth.org .. @911news

Lihop – let it happen, is forever dead, with nanothermite proven in Wtc dust. Controlled demolition needs months in advance.

now for 911 nuclear controlled demolition, at this point, i prefer to stress hard facts – and that is, for now
=nanothermite found in the dust of WTC, and free fall perhaps=. …

That means, controlled demolition. That means inside false flag make-it-happen-operation. … the rest is, unfortunately, speculation, even though strongly suggestive or well supported ..

Pentagon, Shanksville, we need to understand that it cannot be proven at this point what happened there. …

Not at least until the lie detector depositions of all then top gov officials, and other thorough investigations. ..

So go ahead and argue about it, but its just theories at this point.

www.DrJudyWood.com .. ?
i think her work for 911 is to be appreciated …

Observations, facts she is stating are valid – a lot of unusual phenomena at WTC site.

Id lean more towards nuclear charges going off then directed energy. or perhaps both. —————

I think one thing is clear and we should agree on that – conventional controlled demolition, nanothermite only – CAN NOT, by itself, account for, COULD NOT have, alone, caused events and phenomena observable at WTC.

Namely, complete mass dustification and pulverization of huge whole buildings, and other unconventional phenomena observed.

via thepriceofliberty.org

The factual evidence indicates that our government is using and has used 3rd or possibly 4th generation hydrogen bombs domestically and internationally.

The evidence for international usage is not quite as strong as the domestic usage